Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Addiction Anonymous...

If you want to know what makes someone tick, don’t ask them what their favorite things are. Watch them and see what they are addicted to. Things can be “favorited” by choice but addictions are inclinations and needs that cannot be adjusted with a simple change of mind. Here are mine…

  1. Dance Central (Xbox Kinect)- I don’t mind going to the gym but I DO mind when my hindparts are the motivation for someone else’s workout [ugh]. So to avoid that I shake what my Mama gave me at home. It’s a good way to keep fit and have fun. Usually when we have company, we’ll feed them and then coerce them into playing. Watching people dance on a full stomach is the funniest thing.

  2. Vanilla Coke- *shakes head* I don’t even like soda! Somehow this seductive concoction has me craving it day and night. I’ll finish one then walk past the fridge scolding myself for what I’m about to do…GET ANOTHER ONE! Let’s see, I’ve had 6 in the past 3 days so that’s a 2 can a day habit. Not cute.

  3. Ham & Cheese Croissants (Au Bon Pain)- I mean really, who can turn down meat wrapped in a buttery bun? [pause] You know what I mean.

  4. Single Ladies on VH1- I swore I wouldn’t watch it, laughed at my friends for being so hyped to rush home and watch it. Now I find myself being the focal point of my ridicule. My reality tv hobby is enough and now I had to go and find a “real” tv show to latch on to. Shame on me. Kudos to Queen Latifah though, looks like she’s got another good show under her belt.

  5. CT from Real World- He scares me but I can’t help but watch him. You never know what he’s going to do next. He could care less what you think and will let you know. Yikes, he kind of sounds like the male equivalent of me. So I’m addicted to my male self?! ARGH! Creepy. What makes it worse is that we have the same initials.

  6. Stethoscopes- I FINALLY got into nursing school [HALLELUJAH!] and as a result I’ve been making it a point of motivation in everything I do. I sketch stethoscopes EVERYWHERE, on my work notes, napkins, my crossword puzzles, they are even the featured clipart on the left side of my checks. If you turn away from me too long I’ll draw one on the back of your neck. Washable ink though, no worries. Once I master the caduceus I’ll switch to that and vandalize everything.

  7. Crossword puzzles- They’re like push-ups for the mind. There are numerous mental and optical benefits that they have but I didn’t fall in love with them for that. My grandmother always did them. I wanted to do everything she did because it looked so flawless like she was born doing it. She showed me how to do them and when I was old enough to do them on my own I’d keep one near me. There was something therapeutic about them. It now makes sense that when angered or sad and I couldn’t find the words to say I’d complete a word search. I make sense to myself more and more each day. Go me!

  8. My new last name, THOMPSON!- I get giggly when I sign it. Don’t get me wrong, I love my family and Amos will always be a part of me. Amos (AH-MOS) in origin is Spanish/Latin, the suffix for “we”. That’s mild enough. Yet, Amos when normally pronounced is pronounced as the Hebrew (AY-MUS) which means “heavy-laden, burdened, or encumbered”. I am a believer that what a thing/person is called gives light to their character and purpose. Even though bubbly in nature, I can honestly say that my joyous appearance was forced and deep down I was just as heavy laden as my name. No fault of anyone, I just have a terrible habit of taking on other people’s problems as my own. It gets tiresome afterwhile [Matthew 11:28 has been my saving grace]. So, I changed my last name with no reservation when I got married. I was determined to take on a new focus in life and felt that a new name would help. Thompson actually is just an Old English variation of a title, “Thom’s son”. I’m not sure who Thom or his son is but I rock with the name.

  9. Hugs- They are more sanitary than shaking hands unless the person you want to hug has some nasty flesh-eating disease. Kidding! I feel like hugs are the one chance you get at transferring your love to another person. Nothing freaky. Just a sweet platonic love, the love of Jesus Christ, Buddha, Justin Beiber…whatever you believe in.They are tricky things though. You can’t hug everyone because just as easily as you pass on your love you can pick up someone’s hate and ill feelings. Hug with caution.

  10. (A standard number to conclude so I’ll stop here) Jesse Boykins III- If you know me I’ve thrown a song or two from him your way, if you’ve lived with me you can probably quote his lyrics. Marvin Gaye is my all-time favorite artist. Since he went home with the Lord and can’t make anymore music I have to keep what he left on repeat. Jesse’s conscious lyrics, layered harmonies, and ethereal instrumentals have been the closest thing to Marvin. That’s not the only reason I love him, just the thing that initially drew me to him when I heard “Itis”. He has a way of referencing love and lovemaking without making it so blatant. Everything in our world is in your face, sometimes I like my music to make me work so I can read in between the lines and interpret for myself. I would take euphemisms and innuendo over direct references to someone trying to “beat it up” anyday. I call it “court me music”, not that buy you a drink and do you up and down stuff. Not my style. Ask my husband. ;^)

The End…until something else tickles my fancy. Buh bye.

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