Monday, January 30, 2012

Dances with Wolves...

She attempted to dance from a distance but solo steps became a tango.

The wolf showed up without invitation. In true predator style, nonetheless. 

She slid in hopes to move far enough to escape his eye but she forgot that he already had her scent. 

He smelled her fear but surprisingly didn’t attack, just paced back and forth to watch her next move. 

Even if he couldn’t see her anymore he still knew her frequented places and could show up at a moment’s notice.

He had images of how she jumped, how she ran…he even knew what her silence meant. 

She figured it was easier to say nothing and keep poise. She continued dancing like she had before.

Waiting and anticipating the attack that never transpired grew to be pointless, so she invited him to dance. 

She figured it was easier to dance alongside him than to counter his moves from afar.