Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Room for rent?

This is my theory. As silly as it may sound to you, it makes me feel better so please oblige. I think I’ve found out how different kinds of love for different kinds of people can co-exist in one space and not overlap. The heart has compartments. Like a highrise apartment complex nestled in the middle of a metropolis, the heart is constantly occupied and is called home to many. People of various backgrounds, with different stories to tell coagulated with an array of reasons as to why they’ve ended up there. All the while filling the darn thing almost exceeding capacity.

We often say “Oh, he has my heart” or “You’re the only one my heart beats for”. It sounds so sweet, so assuring…but is it accurate? Is it a lie of omission and oversight? Other people are already there…somewhere. Does the heart rent out its space as easily as a seedy landlord seeks to fill up his property to ensure steady flow of income?

Well friends, this is my answer to all of these questions.

Simply yes and no.

The heart is a lot of numerous foundations and housing properties, open to all who qualify. There are apartments to rent, homes to buy, and some things in between like renting with an option to buy. I guess this is why love is as unstable as the housing market; ironically owning a home no matter how the market wavers is always the most secure form of collateral. I know it to be true but I’ll never understand why it is. Almost how I’ll never fully understand how and where love lives. Creating theories help though. 


Jesse Boykins III.

London. #SCHWAZA 

© to Mohamed Ayyad.


Jesse Boykins III.


© to Mohamed Ayyad.

Thursday, May 17, 2012


Arrogance snatches another name off the V.I.P. list just to get in…knowing damn well it wasn’t invited to the party but made an appearance to grace you with its presence. 

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Chapel Oaks

Random Negro: Happy Mother’s Day Sweetheart
Cam: Oh thank you, that’s really nice but I’m not a mom yet
Random Negro: Wanna be?
Cam: (-_-)